Davidoff is the world’s leading cigar brand specializing in refined and balanced premium cigars and sophisticated high-end accessories. The brand is anchored in a strong “crop-to-shop” philosophy, having pursued a vertical integration from the tobacco fields in the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Ecuador to its worldwide network of over 70 Davidoff Flagship Stores.
Davidoff Cigars partnered with Zynthesis to promote their premium, prestigious, and fashionable cigar brand in HK and China and to increase brand awareness in the HK and China markets.
Highlighting the Davidoff Cigars Tasting Panel and the Year of Tiger 2022 Limited Edition Cigars, Zynthesis reached out to a highly selected group of cigar enthusiasts and influencers to share their experiences with Davidoff cigars. Both lifestyle and in-depth content were generated and reposted to maximize brand exposure and social media engagement.
Cheers to more valuable relationships with your customers.